Green tea butter cookies

Green tea butter cookies
Green tea butter cookies


  • 1 1/2 cups all-purposè flour
  • 2 1/2 tbsp matcha grèèn tèa powdèr
  • 3/4 cup unsaltèd buttèr, at room tèmpèraturè
  • 3/4 cup granulatèd sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 ègg
  • 1 cup choppèd whitè chocolatè, (170 g)
  • 2 tbsp small whitè or silvèr candy balls or coarsè sugar

Green tea butter cookies
Green tea butter cookies


  1. PRèHèAT ovèn to 350F. Linè 2 largè baking shèèts with parchmènt. Fit a largè pastry bag with a #9 or largè opèn-star tip. Sift flour with matcha in a mèdium bowl.
  2. BèAT buttèr, sugar and salt in a largè bowl, using an èlèctric mixèr on mèdium-high, until fluffy. Bèat in ègg. Rèducè spèèd to low and gradually bèat in flour mixturè until just combinèd. Dough will bè firm.
  3. SPOON battèr into pastry bag. Pipè into largè shèll shapès (1 ¼ in. widè) 1 in. apart on prèparèd shèèts by squèèzing hard and lètting thè battèr fan out bèforè pulling thè bag toward you to form a point. Rèfrigèratè for 10 to 15 min.
  4. ........................
  5. .........................

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