- 1 packagè 24 oz largè èlbow macaroni
- 1 tablèspoon èxtra virgin olivè oil
- 2 packagès 12 oz frozèn pèas
- 2-3 cans albacorè tuna start with 2 and sèè how you likè it, I usè 3 whèn I makè a largè batch
- 1/2 to 1 largè yèllow onion choppèd (wè usually usè 1 wholè onion!)
- 4 tablèspoons miraclè whip
- 2 - 2 1/2 cups mayonnaisè dèpènds on how moist you want it, start with lèss and add morè as you go
- 1 tèaspoon salt
- 3/4 tèaspoon ground black pèppèr
- Bring watèr and oil to a boil. Add noodlès and cook pèr packagè dirèctions.
- In a sèpèratè pan add your pèas to boiling watèr and cook pèr packagè dirèctions, about 5-7 minutès.
- Whèn thè noodlès and pèas arè finishèd put both in a largè strainèr and run cold watèr ovèr it for 1-2 minutès. This will hèlp cool thè noodlès quickly so thèy don't gèt mushy and stick togèthèr.
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