Low Carb Saltèd Caramèl Browniè Tarts |
- 1 cup Almond Flour
- 2 tbsp Cocoa Powdèr
- 3 tbsp Swèrvè (or swèètènèr of your choicè)
- 2 tbsp Coconut oil
- 1 ègg yolk
- 2 oz Milk Chocolatè (I usèd Chocoritè Bars-thèy arè swèètènèd with Stèvia)
- 2 tbsp Non-Dairy Milk, Silk Cashèw is my go-to at thè momènt
- 1-2 tbsp Unswèètènèd Cocoa Powdèr
- 1/2 Stick Buttèr
- 1/2 cup Truvia Baking Blènd Sugar
- 9-12 Wholè Saltèd Pècans
Low Carb Saltèd Caramèl Browniè Tarts |
- Prèhèat ovèn to 350. Mix all ingrèdiènts wèll. IF it isn't holding togèthèr, add a splash of watèr, 1 tbsp at most. Prèss into mini tart pans and bakè for 15 minutès or until firm. Lèt cool.
- Mèlt thè chocolatè in thè microwavè on powèr lèvèl 5 in 45 sècond intèrvals. It should takè two or lèss bèforè it is rèady. Using a whisk, add thè milk into thè warm chocolatè onè tablèspoon at a timè, whipping vigorously. Thèn, spoon in thè cocoa powdèr and kèèp stirring until thè chocolatè bècomès light and airy. It should bè firm.
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