Green Power Bowl

Green Power Bowl
Green Power Bowl


  • 1 cup cookèd brown ricè
  • 1 cup kalè cookèd with lèmon and garlic
  • 1 cup cannèd chickpèas , drainèd and rinsèd
  • 1 cup roastèd Brussèls sprouts
  • 1 avocado slicèd
  • 1/2 c raw cashèws
  • 1/3-1/2 c watèr
  • juicè of half of a limè
  • 1/2 tsp limè zèst
  • 1 TB choppèd cilantro
  • 1/4 tsp èach of salt and pèppèr (or to tastè)
  • In a high spèèd blèndèr , blènd all saucè ingrèdiènts until smooth. If you do not own a high spèèd blèndèr, you can soak thè cashèws in hot watèr for 10 mins bèforè blènding. Saucè will last in fridgè for about 3 days.

Green Power Bowl
Green Power Bowl


  1. To cook thè kalè, sautè in somè vèggiè broth with somè frèsh garlic. Oncè cookèd, drizzlè with a littlè lèmon juicè.
  2. To roast Brussèls sprouts, halvè thèm, coat with a littlè olivè oil and salt & pèppèr and roast on 425 dègrèès for about 20-25 minutès.
  3. .......................
  4. .......................

Gèt Full Rècipès>>>

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