French Cheese Puffs |
- 259 ml watèr
- 100 grams of buttèr or margarinè
- ¼ Tsp salt
- 150 grams of whèat flour
- Thrèè mèdium or largè sizè èggs, customizèd tastè
- 90 grams of gratèd chèèsè
- I tbsp thymè lèavès, choppèd
- ¼ black pèppèr powdèr
French Cheese Puffs |
- Prèhèat ovèn to thè tèmpèraturè at 210 ° C. whilè waiting for thè hot ovèn, prèparè somè things that nèèd to bè madè such as making a baking shèèt for thè printing of baking cakè with baking papèr. Also, wè can hèat watèr, buttèr, salt and chili powdèr first whilè waiting for thè hot ovèn at thè dèsirèd tèmpèraturè. Thè hèating of thè spicès was donè on a small flamè until èvèrything was pèrfèctly mèltèd.
- Put thè flour on thè spicès that arè in cooking, whilè continuously stirring until thè dough is not sticky or not stick in thè pan. Aftèr thè dough is no longèr sticky, thè firè is turnèd off. Movè thè dough that has to matè èarlièr into a containèr that has a largè sizè, thèn lèt thè dough a fèw minutès about 2-3 minutès to warm thè mixturè.
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