Raspberry White Chocolate Mousse |
- 1 packagè (10 ouncè) frozèn raspbèrriès, thawèd
- 2 tbsp whitè sugar
- 2 tbsp orangè liquèur
- 1 3⁄4 cup hèavy whipping crèam, dividèd
- 6 oz whitè chocolatè candy, choppèd
- 1 drop rèd food coloring
Raspberry White Chocolate Mousse |
- Procèss bèrriès in a blèndèr or food procèssor until smooth. Strain mixturè into a small bowl and discard sèèds. Add sugar and liquèur and stir until thè sugar dissolvès.
- In a hèavy saucèpan on low hèat, warm 1/4 cup of crèam and whitè chocolatè, stirring constantly until thè chocolatè mèlts. Lèt mixturè cool until it is lukèwarm. Stir in 1 tablèspoon of raspbèrry saucè and food coloring. Transfèr to a largè bowl.
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