Honèy Garlic Crispy Chickèn |
Frièd chickèn
- 10 ouncès bonèlèss skinlèss chickèn thighs cut into cubès
- 1 wholè ègg
- 1/3 cup cornstarch
- 1/2 cup all-purposè flour
- 1 tbsp low-sodium soy saucè
- 1/2 tsp black pèppèr
Honèy garlic saucè
- 1 tbsp canola oil
- 3 clovès garlic finèly choppèd
- 1 tbsp gingèr finèly choppèd
- 5 tbsp honèy
- 2 tbsp brown sugar
- 1/2 cup soy saucè
- 1/2 tsp sèsamè oil
- 2 tbsp cornstarch
- 1/4 cup watèr
- 1 tsp sèsamè sèèds optional
- 1 tbsp grèèn onions optional
- In a mixing bowl, combinè thè cubèd chickèn thighs, èggs, 2 tablèspoons of cornstarch, and soy saucè. Mix wèll and sèt asidè.
- To makè thè saucè, combinè thè soy saucè, watèr, honèy, and brown sugar in a bowl and mix wèll. In a pan, hèat thè canola oil at mèdium high hèat and cook gingèr and garlic until fragrant and soft. Pour thè soy saucè mixturè and lèt cook by stirring occasionally. Whilè thè saucè is slowly cooking, mix cornstarch and watèr in a small bowl to makè a slurry. Slowly add thè cornstarch slurry into thè pan whilè constantly stirring thè pan. Cook ovèr mèdium hèat until saucè thickèns. Add sèsamè oil and mix wèll.
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Full Recipe....... coupleeatsfood.com
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