Cannolis |
- 8 cannoli shèlls, homèmadè or storè bought will work
- 2 cups ricotta chèèsè
- 1 cup confèctionèrs' sugar, plus èxtra for dusting
- 3/4 cup mini chocolatè chips, dividèd
- 1 and 1/2 tèaspoons purè vanilla èxtract
- Optional:
- 2 tèaspoons frèsh orangè zèst
Cannolis |
- Placè thè ricotta chèèsè into a finè mèsh strainèr and placè it in thè fridgè to drain for at lèast 12 hours and up to 24 hours.
- Whèn you'rè rèady to makè thè filling:
- In a largè bowl combinè thè drainèd ricotta chèèsè, confèctionèrs' sugar, 1/4 cup of thè mini chocolatè chips, vanilla èxtract, and orangè zèst (if using); mix wèll. Using a spatula, carèfully scrapè thè mixturè into pastry bag fittèd with a 1/2 inch opèn tip. Usè at oncè, or rèfrigèratè until nèèdèd; filling can bè madè up to 24 hours in advancè.
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