Ice Cream Tacos

Ice Cream Tacos
Ice Cream Tacos


  • 10 frozèn wafflès
  • 3 cups vanilla icè crèam
  • 1/2 cup chocolatè syrup
  • 10 maraschino chèrriès
  • whippèd crèam and sprinklès
Ice Cream Tacos
Ice Cream Tacos


  1. Lay frozèn wafflès flat on a cookiè shèèt and allow to thaw, about 10 minutès. Form èach into a taco shapè and fit togèthèr sidè-by-sidè in a 9 x 13 baking dish.
  2. Fill èach "taco" èvènly with vanilla icè crèam and a drizzlè of chocolatè syrup. Frèèzè until firm.
  3. ..................
  4. ..................

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