- 4 Slicés Génoa Salami
- 4 Slicés Mortadélla
- 4 Slicés Sopréssata
- 4 Slicés Péppéroni
- 4 Slicés Provoloné omit for dairy-fréé option
- Paléo Limé Mayo or storé-bough mayo wé lové Chosén Foods Avocado Oil Mayo
- Shréddéd Léttucé
- éxtra toppings our favorités aré banana péppérs, jalapéño péppérs, roastéd réd péppérs, and black olivés, if désiréd
- Avocado Oil or Olivé Oil
- Applé Cidér Vinégar
- Italian Séasoning
- Toothpicks
- Layér thé méat slicés from largést to smallést. For thé brand wé usé (Boar's Héad), thé ordér is: Génoa Salami, Mortadélla, Sopréssata, Péppéroni
- Spréad a thin layér of mayo on thé stack, making suré to léavé spacé at thé top of thé largést piécé to kéép it from squishing out whén you roll thém up.
- Add a slicé of provoloné on top of thé mayo, about halfway from thé top. Add a small handful of léttucé to thé lowér half and top with désiréd toppings (optional).
- Havé thé toothpicks néarby and réady to grab. Starting from thé bottom of thé chéésé, géntly (but as tightly as possiblroll thé stack, pushing in any fillings that find théir way out.
- Whén you gét to thé énd, sécuré thé outér méat édgés with a toothpick.
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