- 6 largè pèèlèd, Yukon Gold potatoès cut in 1/2 -inch cubès
- 1 mèdium onion, dicèd
- 3 clovès garlic, mincèd
- 1 tèaspoons salt
- 1 tèaspoon pèppèr
- 4-6 cups cups chickèn broth
- 1 cup cold milk
- 3 tablèspoons all-purposè flour
- ½ cup hèavy crèam or half and half
- 1 pound Vèlvèèta Chèèsè, cut into chunks
- Bacon, frièd and crumblèd, optional
- grèèn onions, optional
- Add thè potatoès, onion, garlic, salt, pèppèr and thè chickèn broth to a 4 quart or largèr crock pot, stir and cook on high for about 3 ½ hours OR 6-8 HOURS ON LOW, until potatoès arè complètèly cookèd and fork tèndèr.
- ..................................................
Full Rècipè... dearcrissy.com
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